Sunday, March 30, 2014

"We should probably write a blog post soon…"

We've recently exchanged these words often, meaning to write to fill you all in but somehow never really get around to it. So here's the general update:

Beijing has flown through spring, we're nearing the end of it and feeling the start of summer already. Yesterday we both wore shorts. Two weeks ago we were both in our giant bear coats. Beijing isn't good at slow transitions. Which reminds me of the air fluctuations we've had recently. Last week was terrible, the air was bad enough to wear a mask until it sprinkled a little bit on Friday. Saturday and Sunday were gorgeous, sunny and hot. Last night we went to sleep with dreams of taking our students to the park this week - dreams which were shattered when we woke up to an AQI of over 150. Back to the smog….

On Saturday we're headed on our next island adventure. We're flying to Malaysia overnight on Saturday and arrive on Langkawi island Sunday afternoon. Spending a few days there, ferry-ing to a quiet Thai island and relaxing in the jungle there for another few days. Have we mentioned that we know how lucky we are?

Two months and counting… we're both really content here (with the exception of the bad air days - then we're ready to hop a plane out of here!) Spin class is still fun and exciting, and we've been cooking a lot more recently. Trying to live in the now and not plan too much for the future. The being said, we're psyched to spend some time at home in a few short months. Happy April!

Love around the world - xo


  1. Safe travels this weekend :] Haven't checked in here in a while but always thinkin about you two over there, hope all's well
