In the morning, we did our first set of prostrations - another one of the Six Steps. Here's a youtube clip showing the prostrations. Prostrations are basically from starting in a standing position, down into a lying face down on the floor position, and back up into standing. There are 108 prostrations in one set. It takes about 30 minutes to do. Needless to say, we were feeling it after that full set. Then we did a 30 minute seated meditation - which is much harder than it sounds! Trying to completely clear your mind is very challenging and we both found ourselves thinking about many different things. We then had breakfast and a break before going into our next group session. We did a lot of group work, talked about the laws of Buddhism and how they apply to our lives. We both really appreciated the positivity of the Buddhist practice. After lunch, we had a break and then another couple hour session before dinner. The volunteers were making homemade rice balls so we got to help! We sat family-style outside in the middle of the retreat center. It was a beautiful night and we were so content. That night after dinner, we chanted the Sutra (Buddhist text) which is derived from the same root as the medical term "suture" meaning "to hold together." The Sutra was originally written on palm leaves that were sewn together into a book. The reading/chanting (another of the Six Steps) took a total of two hours - it was tiring but interesting and we were ready to fall right asleep after.
The next morning was the same as Saturday morning until after our morning session. We left the retreat center to head to a nearby temple - Longquan Temple. We first ate lunch (very early - at 10:45!) in the temple's dining hall. It was quite an experience. First, women and men eat in separate rooms. We were not allowed to talk at all during the meal. We learned signals we needed to use if we wanted more food, or if we only wanted a little or none. The most important thing was that we couldn't leave any food in our bowls at the end. Nothing could be wasted - an important part of the Buddhist way. Women came around offering food and we accepted or declined them with the signals and listened to the chanting over the loudspeaker. There were so many women in the room, each sitting on stools and no one speaking. The women walked around many times offering food such as dumplings, fruit, vegetables, rice, and many other things. The food was good, but we felt a lot of pressure since we couldn't talk or leave any food. It was an interesting experience that we will remember. After lunch, we got a tour of the temple and then went on a hike up the mountain and left bird seed out to feed the birds since that is one of the 6 Buddhist Steps - feeding animals. We were thrilled to be breathing such clean and fresh air and seeing such blue skies. We looked down at the view of the city of Beijing and could see the smog hovering over. We learned that since the mountains surround the city, BJ is basically the bottom of a "bowl" and depending on the wind patterns, the smog gets stuck in the city for days at a time. We walked back to the retreat center to have another last session and then an ending ceremony. We sang "You Are My Sunshine" (such full-circle: I sing this song to my students!) to thank the volunteers. We all stood in a circle, maybe 30 people half volunteers and half retreat members. They then sang a Buddhist song for us. It was a moving experience - being in a room of such interesting people who are so passionate about Buddhism and wanting to share it with us. One of the volunteers was so moved she was crying throughout the song. Our group leader asked if anyone else wanted to sing for the group - and guess who did? Charlotte and I stepped up and sang a verse of Lean On Me (throwback from our Pollard Middle School Talent Show days!!) We encouraged others to sing along and it was so much fun and emotional! A great way to end such a fascinating weekend. After exchanging contact information, we boarded the van again and went back down the mountain into the city. We were relieved to be back home to shower and get into bed in our room with AC - but definitely felt so refreshed from this weekend. We learned so much, met some great people and got a chance to really breathe deeply - both in meditation and in nature.
Setting up for dinner in the courtyard of the "Lotus Palace."
"Helping" the volunteers make delicious rice balls!
Our Buddhist family
The volunteers woke up at 3am every morning to do these prostrations, and did them throughout the day as well. Their intense devotion and discipline was incredibly impressive and inspiring.
The road leading up to Longquan Temple/Monastery
Chanting instructions for lunch at the monastery
Lunchroom at the monastery
Maitreya Buddha aka "Laughing Buddha"
Hiking! Can you see the lion face in the mountain behind us?
Our offerings to the animals
Buddhist prayer flags
Tree at the monastery that is over 1,000 years old. We learned a legend of a man living in the tree, it was said that people have seen him recently.
Jacky trying the free tea offered outside of the monastery
This looks so beautiful and peaceful. What a great experience! You two are definitely making the most of your time in Beijing. You will have to remember to put what you learned into practice in times of stress.