Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sharing My Joys - By Jacky

I have quickly realized that these children are the reason I'm here. They are so sweet, and although they can be crazy at times, they have come a very long way in these past 10 weeks with me. I am proud to say that many have learned how to spell their English names, my babies (2 year olds) can count to 10 and higher, and they can tell me how they're feeling when asked. Charlotte and I ran into one of my students, Peter, at the grocery store last week after work. After hearing a high pitched "JACKY! LOTTY!!" we turned to see him and his dad coming toward us in line. We caused quite a scene saying our hello's and he quickly started pointing out all the things he knew in English. Red, yellow, two, banana, flower, etc. The best part was when I asked how he was feeling he said "I am excited!" (which he very clearly was!) I was proud to say the least and it brought so much joy to me! 

Me and Peter causing a scene!
Also last week I brought my ukulele in to play a few songs while the kids sing. We only have a few down - You Are My Sunshine, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle and I'm a Little Teapot. They get really excited so they often scream and clap so I'm trying to think of ways to keep it more in control so it can be a relaxing time rather than chaos- but I have to remember that these kids probably haven't had a teacher ever do this with them!

You Are My Sunshine with Franny & Peter

My "Babies" Saying Names of Fruits!

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